Desert Doctors invites you to learn more about our network. We are a community of doctors, allied health providers and facilities who care about the delivery of medicine and believe value is increased when a patient chooses to visit an independent doctor. We are the fastest growing doctor led network in the Coachella Valley with nearly 140 members in the network!
Medical Malpractice discounts up to 30% through CAPMPT
Medical Office Building (MOB) and Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Collaboration Opportunities
Discounts at Apple, Palm Desert
Independent patient referral network
Online HR Support through CAPMPT membership
CME Opportunities through CAPMPT membership
You provide the best, most cost effective care for your patients through this network of independent providers...
You decide the culture, set the protocols, and choose the environment of your own practice. You are free
to make your work environment a place you can thrive and grow as a doctor. You and your patient decide
the best care team based on value; unrestricted from administrative bureaucracy.
We would like to meet you and talk about Desert Doctors. Please contact a Board member for questions you
may have related to membership, goals, organization or structure.
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