Windsor Media / Health Journal / Roland Perez

There are a couple of marketing options we can do to help the members.


A fully produced 4-5 minute on-camera broadcast interview. This can be used in websites, in-office TV’s or for social media. Members cost $1,750.00 each.

Link Example: Christian Luzar, DMD / One Day Implants 


The development of local Prime Time 30-minute television show entitled, “Desert Doctors.” 

The show would be broadcast 5 days a week on Spectrum ABC channel 7 and NBC channel 4. 

Morning – Afternoon hours and the balance in Prime Time.

The show would require a minimum of 9 Doctors to participate.  Each Doctor would share the cost of a 2-3-minute on-camera interview. 

Each Doctor’s share of the show would be $450.00 per month. 

This would include the in-studio production costs and a share of the 1,500 30-minute TV commercials per month.  (167 spots each)


For any member wanting to participate in our 30-minute show entitled, “Innovations in Medicine” that airs 7 days a week in Prime Time on local Spectrum channels ABC channel 7 and NBC channel 4. 

This package includes a group ¼ page ad in the “Desert Health News” and a bonus of 5,000 individual 30 second spots for each Doctor on 10 Spectrum cable channels. 

Cost of broadcast distribution is $1,080 per month. Desert Doctor members would receive a discount of 10% on any production costs.

Examples of this production include:

Hetal Bhakta, MD - DHR :30 SPOT

Keerthy Sunder, MD - DHR :30 SPOT

Windsor Media has been successfully airing healthcare programming in the Coachella Valley for over 7 years. 

For more information, please contact Roland at 760-831-4770.